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The best time to act on this was decades ago. The second best time is now.

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Greeting Dear Ones.

For months I have been wiggeling around the Temple of the Universe's website, doing a bit here and a bit there. And every time I get back to the computer I have to remind myself what I was busy with before and how the website editor works, because the last time I spent time on it was 2 weeks before. I have now decided to get my shit together and JUST DO IT! That means that I also have to write the blog, because... someone has to do it. This does give me a platform to give my opinion and view on things in the medicine community, it also gives me a platform to give my teachings and tell my story.

In my opinion our ability to get things done sits in our 3rd chakra, Solar plexus or also called Manipura. This is where our fire sits, our will, our energy to do things, our sense of purpose. To have a strong will, we need to be conscious of what our goals are. The 3rd chakra is a bit more developed than the instinctual energy of the first two chakras, it needs consciousness.

The architypes we work with at this chakra is the Warrior as the functional architype and the Servant as the dysfunctional architype. The servant is not necessarily a negative architype but the servant does not get rewarded for all it does. The ego of the servant is not well anchored in itself and the boundaries are easily invaded. Which means it can easily be manipulated. The Servant defines it's self through the recognition from others, its sense of self needs to be strengthened.

The warrior on the other hand is what architype we can embody when we let go of old attitudes, when we heal and transform the servant. The warrior operates on a instinctual level, has self confidence and personal power. A good warrior radiates that they are willing to fight bravely if they need to, and that very sense can often keep a fight from occurring. They operate with strength truth and honor. The spiritual limitation of the warrior is that it believes that its success is a result of its own doing. It feels solely responsible for what happens in its life. However the spiritual Warrior is always grateful for the challenges and obstacles it faces because it knows that this way it grows and develops by facing life with grace and grit.

And there we go, how quickly did i manage to realize that I am not the Servant of this thing of creating a website. I am the Warrior who is learning and developing not only my website building skills but also my writing skills.

Affirmations for empowerment:

  • Divine power moves through me

  • I am worth my weight in gold

  • I am willing to grow and mature in the best person i can be.

  • The only person who knows what is best for me, is me.

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