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Conscious Connection

Sat, Sep 02


City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipalit

P r e - C e r e m o n y W o r k s h o p S o u n d H e a l i n g E n e r g y H e a l i n g N u r t u r i n g M o t h e r E n e r g y P r e p a r a t i o n & S u p p o r t M e n t a l & D i e t a r y P r e p P o s t -I n t e g r a t i o n & S u p p o r t C o m m u n i t y C o n n e c t i o n s

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Conscious Connection
Conscious Connection

Time & Location

Sep 02, 2023, 3:00 PM – Sep 03, 2023, 11:00 AM

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipalit, Hennopsrivier, South Africa


About The Event


As one of the purest forms of vibration, Sound is an excellent healing modality to deeply release held trauma.  Tārā has followed her ancestral calling to channel sacred medexine music.


Crafted to create the perfect conditions for your psychonautical adventure.  Ceremony offers a heightened space for collective healing facilitated by Tārā, and all her spirit helpers, guiding you through a +/- 6 hour immersive journey toaccompany your Hero's Dose (5g) of Golden Teachers.


The space of shamanic healing was traditionally held by the Great Mother Goddess energy, but has been suppressed in recent generations.

In this work now, guided by Green Tārā, Sekhmet, Hathor and Kali, Tārā and channels the Mother energy through the night to ensure you can surrender to your inner child space.  Firm yet fair, encouraging independent healing yet able to hold you in your deep vulnerability.


“as if I was getting a complete system reboot - life changing and eye-opening” 

The fantastic fungi  are of our oldest indigenous natural medicines.  Fungi are used as tools for healing of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dis-orders and dis-ease. They work intelligently, ‘communicating’through your senses to help us dive deep into our unconscious realms. m Western studies are now confirming ancient shamanic knowledge that the active compounds in these mushrooms can highlight and heal neural pathways, bringing huge breakthroughs to mental health, cognitive development & palliative care settings.


Tārā Love is a Play Facilitator, Shamani Clown, Sacred Ceremonialist, Death Dakini and Sound Journey Guide. An internationally trained &

travelled physical theatre creator and performer, with a Masters in Applied Arts, Tārā has 20 years experience facilitating projects through the Embodied and Healing Arts.  Since following a Spirit calling in 2017, Tārā has been channelling medexine music with her voice, working with indigenous instruments, guiding

sacred ceremony to hold space for others to journey deeply within their multiversal consciousness.

Tārā has served over 300 people in ceremony to date.


  • Conscious Connection

    Final bookings can only be made through Tara. Please contact her 061 650 8763

    ZAR 3,789.00
    Sale ended


ZAR 0.00

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